Friday, October 5, 2012

town grocery store

The small town we live in has a farmers market weekly that we infrequently shop at.  Not because I don't love the idea of a farmers market but more so because 2 things usually happen when we go, 1) my kids tend to help themselves to things (for example standing at the table with the blueberries and eating them out of pints as if we were at home and/or like we had paid for them)  2)I end up buying a pie or other baked item (that I REALLY don't need vs buying more veggies).   Although both of those reasons are part of why I don't go it's also because I have a good size garden at my house that we get lots of our veggies from. 

Since the season is winding down and I am totally sick of my own garden I decided to take my 2 kids yesterday. When I told my 4 1/2 yr old daughter we were going to go the farmers market she said "oh good, I like going to the town grocery store".   I have no idea where she got this from but I loved the concept because that's what it is and should be.  I am no earth mother by far but there is something really nice about going to the farmers market, seeing friends, chatting with people from town and watching your kids make friends with local growers.   This week I even managed to skip the pies and buy some parsnips from the lovely Rose Ryan from  that I lied and told my kids were white carrots. 

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